
Summertime Pool Safety

We’re smack-dab in the middle of summer here in southwest Florida. And we hope your pool is getting a lot of use.

This time of year, we can find ourselves leaping into the pool almost without thinking—whether we’re celebrating the end of the workday or finding sweet relief after an hour or two of yard work.

And heck, that’s what pool are for, right?

But when we’re using our pool on a virtually daily basis, sometimes we can get a little lackadaisical when it comes to pool safety. That’s why it’s a good idea to revisit some basic rules for staying safe this time of year.

Provide Ample Floatation Devices and Keep the Stairs Clear

Swimmers need easy options for resting—especially if they’re getting tired. Keep pool noodles and other floating options close at hand, but don’t over-crowd the pool to the point that these accessories become hazards.

Supervise Children

So the kids are out of school, and the pool is a fantastic way for them to have fun and burn off energy. But kids being kids aren’t always very aware of safety concerns.

Make sure your child safety devices are in top-notch order, and drill home the safety rules to your kids and their friends on a regular basis—including the absolute necessity of having an adult around before anyone dives in.

Maintain a Clean Pool Deck

Safety around the pool is just as important as safety in it. Make sure furniture, tools and pool accessories all have their spot and aren’t left lying around. Trip hazards can lead to serious injuries.

Mind Those Thunderstorms

The weather can change quickly around here. Be aware of our regular afternoon thunderstorms and get out of the water and into shelter well before they arrive.

Mind the Heat, Too

Being in the water doesn’t automatically protect you from the heat. Especially on our sunniest days, the pool water might be warm enough to post a health concern. Keep cool beverages at hand and take a trip into the AC if you start to feel uncomfortable or dizzy.

Keep Up with Your Maintenance

Pulls that get a lot of use need a lot of attention. Schedule regular maintenance visits to ensure your pool itself, as we as its equipment, stays in safe working order.

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